Setting the world ablaze with the love of Jesus!

Posts tagged “truth


Outside Ultra Music Festival

Outside Ultra Music Festival

This guy was right outside the gates at Ultra on Friday.


Picture taken outside Ultra- Miami

Picture taken outside Ultra- Miami

Took this picture on the streets in Miami right outside Ultra.

Ultra Music Festival




As my team of five approached Ultra Music Festival, we encountered some Christian guys standing outside telling the festival goers to “turn or burn” and not being nice about it. They seemed like the most angry people I’ve ever met. One “raver” girl was giving them the middle finger and yelling “f… you”. I, Tiffany, went up to these men. I asked them how many people have they “saved” by their approach? One guy said that four guys came up to them and one committed to reading his Bible more. I basically told them that they need to love these people…though telling them to repent is “love”, it’s not what these people need. I explained that we were there to go inside and love on the ravers. One guy told me that the “ravers” will be ready for us because they were outside getting the festival goers ready by telling them to repent. The guy and his buddy told us as we turned to leave “be careful in there”. Glad we got all of this on camera. 🙂

My team and I began walking toward the gates with thousands of other people. The Ultra security crammed thousands of people in one little section for like a hour. I was totally shocked that they would force so many people in one section for as long as they did with no access to water. Lots of the people around me were totally drugged up or drunk. The bass was shacking the ground and my chest it hit so hard. We entered the gates after standing in line forever. No one ever checked bags or patted us down. The event was supposed to be 21+ but I saw a few people that looked 10 years old with their parents. Bottled water was $5 each and I didn’t notice any free water anywhere. People were smoking weed every 2 feet. You could tell the mass majority of people were jacked up on “molly”…wearing shirts that said “I ❤ MOLLY”. There were cops and firemen all over the place. [Side note- How could I tell people were on molly? See, I used to be a raver in the secular scene for 7 years before giving my life to Jesus. Raves were more underground then. Back then, I was on ecstasy and people could tell by how my mouth moved…almost looked like I was chewing 50 pieces of gum at once. It looks horrible…and sad!]

My husband and I pulled out the “Jesus ❤ Ravers” flags. People were flocking to us- it was so amazing!!! People would come up and want to take pictures with the flag. My team learned the “raver handshake” before we arrived at Ultra. We’d give out the “Jesus ❤ Ravers” kandi bracelets when someone would want to take a picture with the flags. We prayed for people, talked to them about who Jesus really is, and gave them a card that gave them access free CEDM. People were amazed at the fact that we would be inside the festival. [Note- we asked God to make us so joyful that it would provoke the lost. We didn’t go to participate in the festival or hear a dj because we don’t listen to music that isn’t inspired by the Holy Spirit, per se, we went to love on the people. We went where we believe Jesus would have went to draw the people to Himself. Did we dance to the music? Sometimes. When we heard the Holy Spirit say “dance!”, we danced. We wanted people to know that Jesus is a joyful person. He doesn’t delight in Ultra, but He really delights in the ravers knowing who He truly is.]

When the team felt we had the green light from the Holy Spirit to leave the festival, my husband and I wore the flags to the car…about a half mile walk. As we passed a bar, a man yelled “Jesus is dead”. One of our team members yelled back “No, He is not. He’s alive”. So it was pretty amazing that we only had one hater and he wasn’t inside the festival. We had no push back in the festival! God, draw the ravers to You!

Stay tuned for Saturdays adventure…